How to Start Being a Witch: A Modern Guide to Magical Practice

Amaya Dinesa
February 15, 2025
how to start being a witch

Want to know how to start being a witch? You’re not alone. The word “witch” used to strike fear into people’s hearts. Now? It’s more likely to describe your neighbor, your barista, or even your accountant. That’s because more people are discovering what witches have always known – that we can actively partner with life’s forces rather than just being pushed around by them.

If you’re wondering how to start being a witch in today’s world, you might have questions: Where do I begin? What’s the difference between being a witch and practicing Wicca? Do I need special powers? Let’s break it down and get you started on your path.

Understanding Witchcraft, Wicca & Paganism

Before diving into the “how”, let’s get clear on the “what”:

Witchcraft is the practice of working with natural and spiritual forces to create change in your life and the world around you. It’s a practice, not a religion, which means you can be a witch while following any religion – or none at all. At its core, witchcraft is about understanding and working with the unseen energies that influence our lives. When we talk about witchcraft, we’re talking about a set of practices that humans have used for millennia to interact with the world around them. This includes working with herbs, crystals, the cycles of nature, deities, and various forms of energy work and spellcraft.

Paganism is an umbrella term for earth-based spiritual practices that honor nature and often multiple deities. Modern Paganism, often called Neo-Paganism, draws inspiration from ancient practices while adapting them for contemporary life. While many Pagans practice magic, not all do – and not all witches identify as Pagan.

Wicca is a specific modern Pagan religion founded in the mid-20th century. Think of it this way: Wicca is a religion, while witchcraft is a practice. Wiccans typically follow specific traditions and seasonal celebrations, and honor both God and Goddess. While many Wiccans practice witchcraft, not all witches are Wiccan.

Types of Witchcraft

One of the beautiful things about witchcraft is its flexibility. From solitary witches crafting spells in their apartments to ceremonial witches performing rituals in sacred circles, there are countless types of witches & witchcraft, each with its own focus and traditions:

Green Witchcraft

Green witches learn to attune themselves to seasonal changes, weather patterns, and plant spirits. They might create herbal remedies, magical tinctures, and earth-based spells, always working in harmony with natural forces.

Kitchen Witchcraft

These witches bring magic into the hearth and home through cooking, infuse their food with intention, understanding that every stir of the pot can be a spell and every sprinkle of herbs can carry blessing. They excel at creating magical oils, honey infusions, and blessed waters. Kitchen witches turn cleaning into cleansing, cooking into spellwork, and their kitchen becomes a sacred space where practical magic flourishes.

Hedge Witchcraft

These practitioners often work extensively with herbs and spirit allies, acting as intermediaries between worlds. Hedge witches might practice meditation, shamanic journeying, or dreamwork alongside their herbal practices. They’re known for their ability to communicate with nature spirits, ancestors, and other entities, while maintaining strong roots in practical, earth-based magic.

Secular Witchcraft

These practitioners focus on results rather than religious or spiritual beliefs, often incorporating psychology, energy work, and practical magic into their practice. Secular witches might use scientific understanding alongside magical techniques, viewing natural forces through a practical lens rather than a divine one. They often excel at combining modern understanding with ancient practices, creating a thoroughly contemporary approach to witchcraft.

Solitary Practice

Solitary practitioners develop their own unique style, often drawing from multiple traditions to create a practice that perfectly fits their needs and beliefs. They set their own pace, choose their own tools and methods, and take full responsibility for their magical education and growth. While they might network with other witches or share knowledge, their practice remains deeply personal and self-directed.

The key isn’t which path you choose – it’s finding what resonates with your natural inclinations and goals. Some witches stick strictly to one tradition, while others blend different practices. Some work with deities, while others focus purely on natural forces.

Remember: Witchcraft is about working with life’s forces, not against them, and that includes working with your own nature. As you explore different paths, pay attention to what naturally draws you. Your intuition is one of your most powerful tools in crafting your practice.

Getting Started

Now that you understand the landscape, let’s talk about how to actually begin your practice. The good news? You don’t need special powers, expensive tools, or a family lineage of witches to get started. What you do need is intention, attention, and a willingness to learn.

Your Foundation

The most important tools in witchcraft aren’t things you can buy – they’re skills you develop. Before stocking up on crystals or brewing potions, start with these fundamentals:

Grounding and Centering

Learning to ground yourself and focus your energy is like learning to hold a pen before writing. Start by practicing simple meditation for just 5-10 minutes daily. Feel your connection to the earth beneath you and the energy flowing through your body.

Energy Awareness

Begin noticing the energy of places, objects, and times of day. How does your home feel in the morning versus evening? What about during different moon phases? This awareness will become the foundation of your magical practice.

Intention Setting

Magic is essentially working with energy and intention to create change. Practice setting clear intentions for your day, your work, or even simple tasks like cleaning your home. Notice how your focused intention affects outcomes.

Essential Tools

While you don’t need a lot of tools to start practicing witchcraft, certain items can help focus your intentions and enhance your work:

  • A candle for focusing intentions and spellwork
  • A journal (this will become your Book of Shadows)
  • Salt for cleansing and protection
  • Basic herbs like rosemary, sage, or lavender
  • A bowl of water for scrying and cleansing
  • A small crystal or stone that calls to you

Remember: Tools are just that – tools. They enhance your practice but they don’t create the magic. You are the one who holds the power. (More: How to Create an Altar.)

Practical Applications

Let’s get practical about how to actually start working magic in your daily life. The key is starting small and building consistently.

Daily Practice

The most powerful magic often comes from simple, consistent practice. Here’s how to begin:

Morning Energy Work

Start your day by taking three deep breaths and setting an intention. This simple act begins training your energy and focus. As you shower or get dressed, imagine any negative energy washing away and protective energy surrounding you.

Mindful Magic

Transform everyday activities into magical acts. When you sweep, visualize clearing negative energy. When you cook, stir in intentions for health and nourishment. When you work at your computer, imagine protective energy around your digital space.

Evening Reflection

End your day by noting any magical observations or experiences in your journal. What energy did you notice? How did your intentions manifest? What felt powerful or challenging?

Creating Sacred Space

Your magical practice needs a dedicated space, even if it’s just a corner of your desk. Choose a spot you can keep clean and energetically clear. Start by physically cleaning the area, then cleanse it energetically by:

  • Burning sage or incense while setting clear intentions
  • Sprinkling salt water in each corner
  • Placing protective crystals or objects at the boundaries
  • Speaking a simple blessing like “This space is sacred and protected”

For more, read our Complete Guide to Smudging.

Working with Natural Forces

The real power of witchcraft comes from aligning with natural cycles and forces. Here’s how to start:

Moon Magic

The moon’s phases affect energy and intentions. Start by simply tracking how you feel during different phases. New moons are perfect for starting projects, while full moons enhance any magical work. Keep your moon phase practice simple at first – perhaps charging a crystal or glass of water under the full moon. (How to make moon water and harness lunar energy.)

Elemental Energy

The four elements – earth, air, fire, and water – are fundamental magical forces. Begin working with them through simple practices:

  • Earth: Walk barefoot in grass or hold a crystal
  • Air: Burn incense or practice mindful breathing
  • Fire: Work with candles or sit in sunlight
  • Water: Take ritual baths or cleanse your space with salt water

Simple Spellwork

Start with basic candle magic. Choose a candle color aligned with your intention (white works for everything), and while lighting it, focus your intention clearly. Let it burn safely while visualizing your desired outcome. Or, try some liminal witchery using threshold magic.

Kitchen Magic Basics

Your kitchen is naturally magical. Begin by incorporating simple practices into your daily routine. Stir drinks clockwise to bring things to you, and counterclockwise to banish what you don’t want. Enhance your morning by adding cinnamon to your coffee for prosperity, and take a moment to bless your food with specific intentions as you cook. Keep a pot of basil on your windowsill – it serves double duty as both a culinary herb and a powerful aid for protection and attraction.

Crystal Basics

When starting your crystal practice, begin with just three essential stones. Clear quartz acts as an amplifier for any intention, making it incredibly versatile for beginners. Black tourmaline offers robust protection and grounding, perfect for daily wear or keeping at your desk. Rose quartz brings gentle energy for self-love and healing, ideal for your sacred space or bedside table. Remember to cleanse these stones monthly under the moonlight or in salt, and take time to charge them with your specific intentions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need special powers to be a witch?

No. Witchcraft is a practice, not an inherited gift. While some people may be naturally more sensitive to energy, anyone can learn to work with magical forces.

Is witchcraft dangerous?

Like any tool, magic can be used responsibly or irresponsibly. Stay grounded, start small, and always work with respect for natural laws and others’ free will.

Do I have to tell others about my practice?

Not at all. Your spiritual practice is personal. Many witches keep their practice private, while others are very open. Choose what feels right for you.

How much money do I need to spend?

You can start practicing with items you already have at home. While beautiful tools can be nice, they’re not necessary for effective magic.

Can I practice while living with people who don’t approve?

Yes. Many magical practices, like energy work and intention setting, are invisible. Focus on practices that can be done mentally or that look like normal activities.

How do I know if I’m doing it right?

Start keeping a magical journal. Track what you do and what results you notice. Over time, patterns will emerge showing what works for you.

Taking Your Next Steps

You now have the basic tools to begin your journey into witchcraft. Remember:

  • Start small and build gradually
  • Trust your intuition
  • Keep notes on what you try and learn
  • Stay grounded in practical results

Magic isn’t about dramatic special effects – it’s about working with natural forces to create positive change in your life. Begin with these basics, and let your practice grow organically from there.

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