Frankincense & Myrrh: Ancient Healing Mysteries of Sacred Resins

Amaya Dinesa
December 21, 2024
frankincense and myrrh

Deep in the heart of ancient forests and sun-drenched deserts, certain trees hold a remarkable secret – the ability to produce powerful healing resins that have been revered as sacred medicines for millennia. Among these, frankincense and myrrh stand out as perhaps the most legendary, their mystical properties earning them a place alongside gold as gifts worthy of divine recognition.

Understanding Tree Resins: Nature’s Healing Tears

To understand the power of frankincense and myrrh, we must first understand the remarkable nature of tree resins themselves. These sticky substances represent far more than simple tree sap – they are sophisticated healing compounds produced by trees as part of their own immune and protection systems.

When a tree experiences injury or stress, it produces resin as a healing response. This resin serves multiple purposes: it seals and protects damaged areas, fights off pathogens and insects, and supports the tree’s overall immunity. The remarkable thing about these resins is that they can offer similar protective and healing benefits to humans when used mindfully and with proper understanding.

Tree resins contain complex mixtures of volatile and non-volatile compounds that have evolved over millions of years to be incredibly effective at their protective and healing tasks. These compounds include terpenes, essential oils, and other bioactive substances that can interact with human physiology in profound ways.

The Sacred Nature of Frankincense & Myrrh

Among all tree resins, frankincense and myrrh hold a special place in human spiritual and healing traditions. These two resins come from related families of trees that grow in some of the world’s most challenging environments – the arid regions of Northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

Frankincense comes from trees of the Boswellia genus. 

These remarkable trees can grow in virtually soilless conditions, sending their roots deep into rocky mountain sides and thriving in harsh desert environments. This ability to transform adversity into medicine is reflected in frankincense’s healing properties – it helps us process difficult experiences and transform them into wisdom.

Myrrh comes from trees of the Commiphora genus. 

These trees have evolved to store water in their trunks and branches, allowing them to survive extreme drought conditions. The resin they produce is darker and more bitter than frankincense, reflecting its deep connection to processes of purification and transformation.

Traditional Wisdom & Sacred Uses

Throughout history, these resins have been used in ways that bridge the physical and spiritual realms. Ancient Egyptians used them in both their healing practices and their sacred ceremonies, particularly in embalming rituals where they were believed to help the soul transition between worlds.

In traditional Chinese medicine, both resins are classified as herbs that “move blood and break up stagnation” – not just on a physical level but also emotionally and spiritually. They were often used to address conditions that seemed to have both physical and spiritual components.

Middle Eastern healing traditions used these resins for:

  • Purification of spaces and people
  • Enhancement of meditation and prayer
  • Treatment of respiratory conditions
  • Support during times of transition
  • Protection from negative influences
  • Deepening spiritual connection

The traditional use of these resins often followed the cycles of nature and human life:

  • Morning burning for awakening and clarity
  • Evening use for relaxation and reflection
  • New moon ceremonies for setting intentions
  • Full moon rituals for manifestation
  • Life transitions and rites of passage
  • Seasonal celebrations and observations

The Science Behind the Sacred

Modern research has begun to validate many traditional uses of these resins. Studies have shown that both frankincense and myrrh possess:

  • Strong anti-inflammatory properties
  • Immune system supporting compounds
  • Antimicrobial activities
  • Mood-enhancing effects
  • Air-purifying qualities
  • Cell-protective properties

What’s particularly fascinating is how these scientific findings often align perfectly with traditional use.

For instance, the traditional practice of burning these resins in sacred spaces turns out to have a solid scientific basis – both resins release compounds that can reduce airborne bacteria and enhance air quality.

Working with Sacred Resins

To work with frankincense and myrrh effectively, it’s important to approach them with both respect and understanding. These are not just aromatherapy tools but powerful plant allies that can support deep healing and transformation.

Choosing Quality Resins

The first step in working with these materials is selecting high-quality resins:

  • Look for resins that are properly sourced and sustainably harvested
  • Fresh resin tears should be translucent and varied in size
  • Frankincense should have a clear, bright aroma
  • Myrrh should have a rich, deep, slightly bitter scent
  • Avoid resins that appear dusty, uniform, or artificially processed
  • Consider the source and support ethical harvesting practices

We love this organic frankincense resin and essential oil.

We love this organic myrrh resin and essential oil.

Basic Methods of Use

There are several traditional ways to work with these resins:

Burning as Incense

The most traditional method is burning the resins on charcoal:

  • Use a heat-safe burner with sand or ash
  • Light a self-igniting charcoal disk
  • Once the charcoal is fully lit, add small pieces of resin
  • Start with a small amount – these resins are potent
  • Observe the smoke patterns and scent changes
  • Set clear intentions for your practice

Creating Sacred Space

Use the resins to prepare space for meditation or ritual:

  • Cleanse the area physically first
  • Open windows briefly for ventilation
  • Begin burning resin with clear intention
  • Allow smoke to reach all areas of the space
  • Pay attention to how the space feels
  • Trust your intuition about quantity needed

Personal Cleansing

Traditional uses include personal energetic cleansing:

  • Stand in a well-ventilated space
  • Light the resin and allow smoke to rise
  • Use your hands or a feather to guide smoke
  • Work from head to feet
  • Pay special attention to areas of tension
  • Take slow, mindful breaths

Final Thoughts

Working with frankincense and myrrh offers us a profound connection to an ancient lineage of healing wisdom. These sacred resins remind us that the natural world provides powerful allies for both physical healing and spiritual growth.

As you begin your journey with these traditional medicines, remember that they have supported human wellbeing for thousands of years – their gifts are as relevant today as they were in ancient times.

Start slowly, building your relationship with these resins gradually. Pay attention to how they affect you, both physically and energetically.

You may find, as countless others have through history, that these “tears of the trees” become beloved allies in your personal practice of healing and transformation.

Safety Note: Always use resins in well-ventilated spaces and keep them away from children and pets. If you have respiratory conditions or are pregnant, consult with healthcare providers before using any burning resins. Source your materials from reputable suppliers who support sustainable harvesting practices.

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