Mirror Scrying: A Beginner’s Guide to Ancient Divination

Amaya Dinesa
December 26, 2024
mirror scrying

Mirror scrying is an ancient form of divination practiced across cultures worldwide. It offers a fascinating gateway into enhanced intuitive perception.

This practice of gazing into a reflective surface to receive insights has been used by seers and mystics throughout history. While it may seem mysterious, mirror scrying is actually a natural ability that anyone can develop with proper guidance and practice.

Mirror Scrying: What It Is

At its core, scrying is the art of developing second sight – the ability to perceive information beyond ordinary vision. Mirrors create particularly powerful scrying tools because they exist as natural thresholds – also known as liminal spaces – between the visible and invisible worlds.

The reflective surface serves as both a focus point for our consciousness and a gateway for receiving intuitive information. Mirrors made from silver or obsidian also possess the magical properties of these.

How Mirror Scrying Works

When we gaze into a mirror with ritual intention, several things happen:

  1. Our eyes naturally relax, shifting from active focusing to a softer gaze
  2. Our brain waves begin to shift toward meditation-friendly patterns
  3. Our consciousness gently expands beyond ordinary perception
  4. Our natural intuitive abilities become more accessible

This process isn’t about seeing things in the ordinary sense, but rather about allowing our intuitive perception to translate information into forms we can understand.

Some people receive visual impressions in their mind or view, while others might experience feelings, knowing, or inner visions.

Preparing for Mirror Scrying

Creating Sacred Space

Before beginning any scrying practice, you’ll want to create a proper environment:

  • Choose a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed
  • Clean your area physically and energetically
  • Ensure appropriate lighting (dim but not completely dark)
  • Remove potential distractions
  • Create comfortable seating
  • Have a journal nearby for recording experiences

Choosing Your Mirror

For beginners, these options work well:

  • A small, round black mirror specifically made for scrying (usually made of obsidian)
  • A regular mirror turned away from light sources
  • A dark bowl filled with still water
  • A clean window after sunset

Traditional scrying mirrors were often black or dark blue, as these colors help reduce visual distractions and support deeper vision. However, any clean, clear reflective surface can work for starting your practice.

Personal Preparation

Prepare yourself mentally and energetically:

  • Take a ritual bath or shower if possible
  • You can also smudge yourself and your space
  • Wear comfortable clothing
  • Remove jewelry that might distract
  • Center and ground your energy
  • Set clear intentions for your practice
  • Release expectations about what you might perceive

Basic Mirror Scrying Practice

Opening Ritual

Begin with a simple ritual to shift your awareness:

  1. Light a candle (positioned so it won’t reflect in your mirror)
  2. Take three deep breaths
  3. State your intention clearly
  4. Pose open ended questions specific enough for answers to take shape
  5. Open sacred space in whatever way feels right to you

The Gazing Practice

  1. Position your mirror at a comfortable angle
  2. Sit comfortably with a straight spine
  3. Allow your eyes to soften their focus
  4. Gaze into the mirror without straining
  5. Notice how your perception begins to shift
  6. Stay open to whatever impressions arise
  7. Maintain a gentle, receptive awareness
  8. Rather than seeking for answers, ‘lean back’ in your mind and receive
  9. Close your sacred space once complete

What You Might Experience

Common experiences during scrying include:

  • Changes in the mirror’s appearance
  • Shifts in light and shadow
  • Colors or patterns emerging
  • Symbols or images appearing
  • Feelings or sensations arising
  • Thoughts or knowing coming through
  • Temperature changes around you

Remember that everyone experiences scrying differently. Trust whatever way the information comes through for you.

Progressive Development

First Sessions (5-10 minutes)

  • Focus on developing the proper gazing technique
  • Practice maintaining soft focus
  • Notice any shifts in perception
  • Document your experiences
  • Build gradually to longer sessions

Building Your Practice

  • Start with simple questions
  • Work with moon phases
  • Practice at traditional times (dawn, dusk, moon transitions)
  • Keep detailed records
  • Notice patterns in your experiences

Understanding Your Results

Scrying insights may come through in various ways:

  • Direct images or visions
  • Symbolic representations
  • Feelings or impressions
  • Inner knowing or thoughts
  • Physical sensations
  • Emotional responses

Learn to trust your natural way of receiving information rather than trying to force a particular type of experience.

Closing Thoughts

Mirror scrying offers a fascinating path for developing your natural intuitive abilities. Remember that like any skill, it develops through consistent, patient practice. Trust your process, maintain appropriate boundaries, and allow your abilities to unfold naturally.

Note: While scrying is a natural intuitive art, some people may experience intense emotions or energetic sensations during practice. Always trust your instincts about when to pause or seek guidance. If you have any history of mental health challenges or seizure disorders, consult appropriate healthcare providers before beginning a scrying practice.


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