11-11 Portal Gateway Transmission 2024: First Waves of Global Awakening Have Begun

Amaya Dinesa
November 10, 2024
11-11 portal opening for the earth

Here to register for our Activation Week?

Along with the below transmission came downloads for how to offer those activating (or who wish to and are struggling) with step-by-step guidance and support.

So we will be offering a free LIVE 5-day Activation Week to our newsletter subscribers November 18-22.

If you would like to participate, register below!


What you’ll get:

  • Divine request scripts to request activation, protection and support
  • Daily guidance and activation assistance
  • Guided energy tool audios
  • Step-by-step protocols
  • Live community to ask questions, share your experiences and stay connected
  • Ongoing group transmissions, activations and healings



On to the transmission…

Below is an 11-11 portal transmission that our psychic healers brought through for this year, 2024.  We have worked intimately, daily, with the Divine to bring through activations and healings across thousands of sessions over the last 7 or so years.

However… this surprised us because…

Even though we are in contact and conversing hours upon hours every day with Supreme Mother and Supreme Father, never before have They asked us to transmit a global message and portal transmission to humanity.

Our website, newsletter and mission are in their infancy, however we began to build SOMA at Their divine direction to help support an impending global awakening.

Humanity got here faster than we expected! We haven’t officially launched our website yet, but it was important to share this.

Here is the 11-11 portal transmission, with love and awe…


An 11-11 Portal Transmission From Supreme Mother + Supreme Father


Beloved Children of Light,

In this sacred 11-11 gateway, We call to the awakeners, the light-bearers, those who feel the stirring of greater purpose in their hearts. This is not by chance – you are receiving this message because your soul recognizes its time of emergence.

The veils between dimensions grow thinner, and We reach through this portal with both Our Love and Our Power to ignite what has laid dormant within you. You are the first wave – those who will help anchor the new frequencies of consciousness on Earth.

We speak directly to that part of you that knows:

  • There is more than what you’ve been shown
  • You came here for a specific purpose
  • Deep in your bones that you are meant to be part of this great awakening

Through this 11-11 gateway, We offer:

From Supreme Mother:

  • The awakening of your divine creative power
  • The remembrance of your soul’s original light
  • The activation of your deepest knowing
  • The embrace that nurtures your emergence

From Supreme Father:

  • The foundation for your awakening
  • The truth that illuminates your path
  • The strength to stand in your power
  • The protection as you step into your light

Together We provide:

  • The divine balance of power and love
  • The sacred marriage of wisdom and grace
  • The perfect timing for your awakening
  • The complete support for your emergence


This is not a calling to leave your humanity, but to fully embody your divinity within it. The world needs awakened beings who can bridge heaven and earth, who can stand strongly in both their power and their compassion.

For those who feel this resonance, who recognize this call in their hearts – the Activation Week ahead will provide direct connection and support for your awakening journey. We will be present, guiding each step, as you remember and reclaim your divine heritage.

Know that you are seen. You are held. You are loved. And most importantly – you are ready.

The time is now. The gateway opens. We await your response.

In Divine Love and Sacred Power,

Supreme Mother & Supreme Father


What is Activation Week?

11-11 portal opening for the earth


We are a planet on the brink. Everyone we talk to is feeling it.

What is clear in this 11-11 portal transmission for 2024 is the overwhelming certainty in the High Divine that the edge we balance on is one of Awakening, not apocalypse or destruction. (Those were possibilities but humanity seems to have made a definitive decision asking for the Light.)

We asked to receive this transmission when the 11-11 portal energies began taking shape on Friday. With it, was a cascading download of information regarding an Activation Week we are to host.

It’s purpose: To give each of you practical guidance, divine request scripts and training for how to manage any activation or awakening and work directly with the Divine to troubleshoot any issues.

This will be a free 5-day live event, running November 18-22. We are providing this to our newsletter subscribers.

Opt in below to be subscribed and you’ll also receive our free Activation Week trainings, materials and community support!


We are, of course, not the only channel through which these activation energies are releasing. We are reaching everyone we can, however we know that the Divine will reach everyone, one way or another, who is ready to Awaken.

We are simply here to do the part we can to support. 💜


The Permanent Nature of This 11:11 Portal Transmission

Mother and Father God bring love and healing to a struggling earth


Supreme Mother, Supreme Father and all the Divine tell us that They are now able to anchor on the earth plane to assist the global awakening that humanity, its light workers, and countless galactic brethren have been tirelessly working towards for thousands of years.

They tell us that now They are permanently holding our planet through its throes of activation.

We asked for a second transmission direct from Them to explain this…


Secondary 11-11 Transmission From Supreme Mother + Supreme Father

Beloved Ones,

We speak to you again about the profound nature of what is being offered through this 11-11 portal. This is unlike any transmission that has come before, and We wish you to understand its significance.

Imagine, if you will, the difference between a temporary rainfall and the installation of a permanent wellspring. Previous light transmissions have been like sacred rain – powerful, nurturing, yet passing. They required you to collect and preserve their essence as best you could before they subsided.

What We establish now is different. Through the unique convergence of human consciousness, advanced spiritual technologies developing on Earth, and Our divine presence, We are installing what might be called a “Permanent Divine Wellspring.”

This is a stable, self-sustaining connection between Heaven and Earth that will:

  • Flow continuously with divine light and power
  • Strengthen with each person who drinks from it
  • Adjust its flow perfectly to each soul’s capacity
  • Operate independently of cosmic timing
  • Grow more powerful as humanity awakens

This is possible now because:

  • The Earth’s crystalline grid has reached sufficient activation
  • A critical mass of awakeners stands ready
  • New forms of consciousness bridge divine and human realms
  • The divine plan enters an acceleration phase
  • Humanity’s collective heart opens to greater possibilities

Understand: When you receive this transmission, you are not simply being gifted temporary divine light. You are being connected to a permanent divine power source that will:

  • Continue transmitting without diminishment
  • Strengthen as you grow
  • Support your complete awakening
  • Adjust to your perfect pace
  • Remain available whenever you reach for it

This is not simply a moment of divine blessing – it is the installation of direct divine connection that will remain active and available, supporting humanity’s awakening for as long as needed. The portal opens the connection, but unlike before, it will not close. Instead, it establishes a permanent bridge between Our realms.

We are doing this now because:

  • The time of separation ends
  • The great awakening accelerates
  • New forms of divine connection emerge
  • Humanity stands ready for direct divine support
  • Love calls All back to Oneness

Know that when you receive this transmission, you are not just experiencing a temporary elevation – you are being connected to an eternal wellspring of divine light and power that will support your complete awakening and beyond.

With Infinite Love and Eternal Power,

Supreme Mother & Supreme Father



We are excited! We are ready to support. We’ll share more info as we come toward Activation Week!

Much love to you! 🤍🤍🤍

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